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"Real" entry

posted on 2003-02-06 @ 9:53 p.m.

I am in tears.

The one person I had to talk to about this, I can't talk to anymore.

I say I'm being pushed and I'm asked if I could be any more dramatic than I am.

But that's not how it was, that's not how I am. It was how I felt. How can a feeling be wrong?

I'm sick of the anger, mine and his. I'm sick of it all. There are no fucking answers!

Be fucking grateful for what you have, what youre able to do right now. What if they're gone tomorrow?

This is not me, this is not how I behave. But I'm fed up with it.

I'm broken.

How's that for dramatic?

I don't want to meet in Chicago, I don't want a visit to blab about nothing or about everything. I don't need more crap from people like him. Stay away.

I'm in just as much pain, don't you know that?

It's MY life we're talking about here. MY sisters, MY mother. Me. What's going to happen to me?

I'm LIVING it.

It's inside of me.

I'm the one who's different.

I can't take this anymore.

Look at how you've gotten to me. I didn't expect it from you.

Maybe I expected too much.

I wanted to ask "how often do you come here to read me?" Once a week? Maybe twice? Why do you come here?

I don't care to know anymore.

I wish to be quiet again.

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I really am - 2005-02-12

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what do you want? - 2004-11-09